How to use CARC

CentOS Linux

CARC OnDemand

Online access point

file management

Command line shell access

Slurm job management

Access Jupyter


We can code in Jupyter interactive app

Install Jupyter kernel in Conda

Once installed, when launching Jupyter on OnDemand, the kernels will show up on a Launcher tab (File > New Launcher) and when selecting kernels through other methods.

module purge
conda activate <env_name>
mamba install -c conda-forge ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name <env_name> --display-name "Display_name"

Start Jupyter interactive app

To start an interactive session in OnDemand, select the application you want to use from the Interactive App dropdown menu at the top of the OnDemand dashboard.

Once selecting an application, the session creation page appears. Then customize interactive session using the form fields.

Click Launch to launch session. Then this will schedule session in the Slurm queue. On the My Interactive Sessions page, your session will be highlighted in blue with a status of “Starting” or “Queued”.

Then click Connect to JupyterLab to interactive page. Then enjoy!

How to connect via SSH

Connect to the USC network or Research VPN

We can download software here.

click Start AnyConnect in AnyConenct page to download and install.

Then connect VPN via

Logging in

We need open a new terminal window and enter

ssh <username>

Make sure to substitute USC NetID as the username. After entering this command, input NetID password.

We can also use SSH client, like Xshell, to manage our connects. And We can also use extensions on Visual Studio including Remote - SSH, SSH FS, etc.

After that, we can access our files.


File storage

File system Description Recoomended storage Activities
/home1/<username> Each CARC user has a home directory with 100 GB of disk space.
Use cd to quickly change to
Personal files, configuration files Create and edit personal scripts/programs
/project/<PI_username>_<id> This file system is a high-performance, parallel file system consisting of shared directories for different research project groups. shared files, software installations, job scripts and files, I/O files creating and editing scripts/programs, compiling, I/O, transferring data
These file systems are high-performance, parallel file systems.
files stored here should be periodically backed up to decrease the risk of data loss.
Use cds and cds2 to quickly change to
temporary files and I/O operations. I/O, testing

Transferring files

CARC has two dedicated data transfer nodes at hpc-transfer1.usc.eduand hpc-transfer2.usc.eduthat are configured for fast file transfers.

ssh <username>

We can also use OnDemand for uploading/downloading relatively small files.

**Transfer between local and Discovery: ** commands like sftp or rsync

scp file <user_name><usr_name>

**Transfer between Internet and Discovery: ** commands like wget, curl or aria2c, And Git commands.

If you install tmux module

A tmux process is unique to a node, so if you’re using tmux on a login node, make sure to always log in to the same login node if you want to reattach to previous tmux sessions.

**Initiate seesion: **tmux

**Check progress: **tmux attach

Edit files

Work in Visual Studio

Or use the nano, micro,vim, or emacstext editors.

Install and Run software

On Discovery, CARC maintains software, compilers, and libraries using the modulesystem.

To see the available softwares

module avail

If knowing the name of a software package, we can use the module spidercommand to find out if it is available and how to load it.

module spider <name>

To load software without any further installations.

module load <software_name>

Install module with Conda / mamba

Conda is a package management system which can be used to create Python and R development environments on many different platforms. Mamba is a drop-in replacement for Conda that is generally faster and better at resolving dependencies.

It’s common that installing packages using Conda is slow or fails because Conda is unable to resolve dependencies. To get around this, Mamba is better.

Check packages list in the current environment

conda list

check environment

conda env list

activate environment

conda activate -n <env_name>

install modules

conda search <module_name>
conda install <module_name>=<version>


Discovery computing cluster is a shared system, we use a job scheduler Slurm to manage all requests for resources. The Slurm (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) job scheduler is an open-source job scheduler that allocates compute resources on clusters for queued, user-defined jobs.

Use the myaccountcommand to see your available and default accounts and usage for each account.

Test jobs (interactive mode)

First perform some basic tests of your job interactively on a compute node before submitting it as a batch job to the Slurm job scheduler, ensuring that you will have quality results after the job completes.

Use Slurm’s salloc command to reserver resources on a node.

For example, to request 8 CPU and 16GB of memory for 2 hours, enter:

salloc --time=2:00:00 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=16GB --account=<project_ID>
salloc --time=5:00:00 --partition=gpu --gpus=4 --mem=16GB --account=ruishanl_1185

Then test by loading the software environment module load xxxand running scripts or programs python Without the --accountoption, the default account will be used. This is fine if we only have one project account.

*Running conda

module purge
mamba activate <env_name>

Exit interactive mode

enter exitin the shell. This will return to the login node.

Submit jobs (Batch mode)

Create job script <job_name>.job

The top few lines of the file (that begin with #SBATCH) specify the requested resources for your program and other options. Make sure to use the correct account in your job scripts. Example:

Command or Slurm argument Meaning
#!/bin/bash Use Bash to execute this script
#SBATCH Syntax that allows Slurm to read your requests (ignored by Bash)
--account=<project_id> Charge compute resources used to ; enter myaccountto view your available project IDs
--partition=main Submit job to the main partition
--nodes=1 Use 1 compute node
--ntasks=1 Run 1 task (e.g., running a Python script)
--cpus-per-task=8 Reserve 8 CPUs for your exclusive use
--mem=16G Reserve 16 GB of memory for your exclusive use
--time=1:00:00 Reserve resources described for 1 hour

To submit a batch job, use the sbatchcommand. For example:

sbatch <job_name>.job

Submitted jobs are processed remotely. The process is recorded and written to an output file in the same directory where you submitted the job from. By default, this output file is named slurm-<jobid>.out.

*Running conda in Batch Mode

Create an application script. Then create a Slurm job script that runs the application script. Finally, Submit the job script to the job scheduler using sbatch.

#SBATCH --account=<project_id>
#SBATCH --partition=main
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --mem=16G
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
module purge
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate myenv

Monitor jobs

Use the squeuecommand to view the status of jobs

squeue --me

Cancel jobs

scancel <job_ID>

The job may remain in the queue for a short time, but its status will change to “CG” (completing) or “CA” (canceled).